September 25, 2011


Tonight after work I'm going out with the girls. I hope it's a good night. I need a good night. I remember this time last year I was going out all the time and getting into all kinds of trouble, haha. Well, a little before this time last year, back when all of us were still friends. Navy parties. Coast Guard parties. College parties. Last year, we ripped up the town. Sometimes I'm glad that I don't go out that much. Other times, I really miss being a little wild. Back then I didn't care if a boy liked me or not...there were plenty to go around!

How time flies and things change. It's funny. Today while I was passed out on TJ's couch, he turned on this porn site where there was basically a giant orgy party going on. He said how he didn't know if he could walk around naked at a party. I wanted to say I highly doubted it since he hardly got naked in front of me and we've been fucking for half a year. Then I started thinking about how I've been to parties where people start getting naked and having sex all over the place...I bet he wouldn't believe me if I told him the kinds of parties I've been to.

Apparently I'm the only one that knows he watches porn. I find it so strange how closed off he and his friends are when it comes to sex. My friends and I talk about sex all the time, share our favorite sites, and definitely kiss and tell. We're completely open about what we do and with whom. I suppose it's normal for people not to talk the way we do, it just surprises me sometimes. The boy is an attractive 27 year old and doesn't like to get naked in front of people. I don't go fluanting my goods either but that's more because I'm chubby than moral. I think if I wasn't overwieght I would walk around naked all the time. I wonder if he doesn't like to get naked because he's so skinny? I suppose it could be a moral thing since like I said all of his people don't really discuss sex. Eh, whatever.

Sometimes I wish I knew what was going on in his head. What he's thinking. Sometimes he plays this affectionate person. Like with me being sick and all he's been overly concerned. And then other times there's no connection.

I'm scouting more Pathfinders but all the ones on the market seem to have disappeared!

scullerymaid at 3:34 p.m.

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