December 26, 2011

Chicken soup

So let's talk about Christmas. I had a great time! I'm so glad I spent it with TJ. His mom cooked a big family dinner Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon. And I mean full out meals. It was great! I felt like I was being spoiled. I can't even imagine what life would have been like growing up with meals like what she whips up. You know, they get together every Sunday and have dinner. I can't remember the last time my family sat down together. It was nice. It's very nice to experience a sense of family.

TJ's grandparents came doen from Pennsylvania. They were very nice people. His Nana is a storyteller. I haven't decided if this is a good thing or not. The woman sure can talk. I really like is grandpa though. I don't know why. There's just something about the man that I really liked. They even brought me down a present! I guess his mom talks about me over the phone. That was very sweet of them.

Speaking of presents, there were 10 of us there and I swear it took two hours to go around and open everyone's presents. It was ridiculous. I thought we would never finish and I was getting so tired. TJ's parents got me a scarf and a candle. And would you like to know what TJ got me?! A new radio for my car!!! I definitely was not expecting that. He made me shake it around and guess what it was and I was nowhere close. I was thinking a waffle maker or something along those lines. But I love my radio. We installed it Christmas morning and he taught me how to sauder wires and it was just a great experience together. I can't believe he got me a radio. I can't even imagine what he's getting me for my birthday on Friday.

We did have a small discussion. I don't really want to call it a spat. Our spats are pretty passive. It's more of his saying something that I've found insensitive and then I get quiet the way I do, thinking and analyzing while he pesters me to talk to him. It was silly, as things tend to be, but he said it would be weird to give his parents my amazon wish list. Not that I want them to have it because I have a couple gag items on there that are for his to see and not his parents, but still...if I can spend the whole holiday weekend over there and if they got me Christmas gifts anyway, how can having my wish list be weird? If that small, insignificant thing is weird, then I shouldn't have been there in the first place. So those were the thoughts crowding my head as we drove back home. So I didn't speak much in fear that I would tear up and lose face. But finally, while we were in bed, he started talking about how he didn't think it was weird that they gave me presents, that I was basically his girlfriend anyway yada yada yada. And we talked it out. God bless him for understanding that it takes me awhile to talk about my feelings. One thing he asked was if it upsets me that we aren't serious. So I asked him what exactly he calls serious if what we're doing isn't serious. Apparently in his mind, engagement and marriage constitures as serious. I think that is a little strange. Shouldn't things be serious before you get engaged? But it also makes me feel better for some reason. I don't really fret about us anymore anyway. But knowing that for his serious means walking down the aisle, for some reason I feel like that makes everything okay. Don't ask why.

Anyway, Christmas Eve we also went to mass. His family is Catholic, and although TJ is agnostic, he attends Christmas mass for their sake and I had no problem tagging along. I went to a Catholic school growing up and it was crazy how the prayers, songs, and responses came back to me. I do enjoy the ritual that comes along with being Catholic. But to be honest, I could not feel God's presence in that building. It was just a bunch of dressed up people saying special words in a special building. But I couldn't feel god. I don't know why. Maybe it was just me, but there was no reverence or awe for me there, not like you would find in a real cathedral.

So yeah. That was my Christmas in a nutshell. I wonder what Easter will be like...

scullerymaid at 3:17 p.m.

pots | pans