September 11, 2011

Going back to plan A

Okay, I have a plan:

No more eating junk food or drinking soda. Since dating TJ, I've been gaining weight and I know it's all the junk food and soda at his house. And all the booze he has. It's time to cut back on drinking

Trek the Noland Trail at least three times a week. The gym is a waste of your money if you aren't going, but you need to be active again. Get out in nature and reconnect with your distressed soul

Get a job closer to home. Who knows when you'll be able to get a new car with the insurance issues. Commuting is not working. Resist the urge to return to Panera, but do what you have to do to earn an income even if that means swallowing your pride

Spend time with your friends. They love you. You love them. They'll make you feel at ease

Stop being snippy with your mom. She's going through hard times too. Instead of being resentful, be understanding

It's okay to jumo back on the horse and date. But you need to go through the mourning/grief process of things probably not working out with TJ. Tearing up here and there isn't enough. Hurry up and have a big cry so you can move on. Invite your friends in on the cry and eat lots of oreos and cheetos before kicking the junk food

Research, research, research grad programs. If you're going to do it, do it! Stop being scared.

Take GRE

Figure out car stuff so you can get some wheels

Save, save, save money!

scullerymaid at 2:46 a.m.

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