September 11, 2011


So I thought the wedding was kinda lame. It's wasn't very organized, and there is a difference between unorganiazed and casual, and I totally could've spent my time better elsewhere. I think that was the first wedding I've evern been to where I didn't get a little choked up over the ceremony. I'm a sucker for watching people in love! But whatever. I helped work the soundboard. Now that tells you what kind of wedding I was at if I, a guest, was working the soundboard. Whatever, though. Free food. And it was on a plantation in Charles City, which was pretty cool.

Then last night I went to dinner with Popeguy and Artist. It's been nice hanging out with my friends so much again. You know, before I started going date-crazy, I always told myself I would never give up my time with my friends for a boy. They used to do that to me all the time and it's so frustrating. But now I understand. Perhaps it's still not the thing we should be doing to our friends. If I had still spent more time with them and less time with TJ, I'm sure whatever is going on between TJ and I wouldn't bother me so much. But whatever. Learning process. Anyway, so we went over to Artist's apartment afterward and let me tell you, I was about ready to hit the roof.

Her roommate is a complete slob. And I don't mean just messy and cluttered, I mean when I walked in I thought we should have walked right back out before contracting something. The kitchen was hideous. The trashcan was overflowing and there were several piles of trash on the table, shelf, and floor. There were wrappers and cans and sugar packets and food bits and moldy dishes simply everywhere. Artist said she just sticks to her room because she can't deal with it. Then there were art supplies everywhere and aspen chips because the girl has smelly rabbits. So Popeguy and I took control. He hit the dishes, I took out the trash and grabbed a vacuum, and we fixed the place up so our friend doesn't get sick.

Late, Popeguy talked with her roommate because she came in upset and then found out we were cleaning. Apparently she's having a rough time, so even though I was raising Cain while cleaning all that shit up, I generally enjyo cleaning and it didn't bother me that much once things were spiffy.

TJ and I haven't spoken in three days and I don't know what to think about this. We were never constant texters so a part of me feels like it's kind of normal, but usually there's at least a how are you doing today or something. But the last time we took a weekend off we didn't talk until like midnight on Sunday, so maybe I shouldn't be thinking about it. You know, he said he still wants to hang out ans stuff, but this lack f communication makes me wondeer. And of course, I refuse to talk to him first because I'm so damn stubborn. But I'm supposed to be moving on anyway. It's just the idea of him not being in my life is so bothersome, even if we are just friends. I don't know. I sound like I'm talking gibberish. Ahhhh.

There are a bunch of military guys trying to talk to me. Surprise surprise there. I haven't decided if I want to bite or not yet. This one guy I connected with really well that's not in the military, but the attraction simply isn't there. Don't you hate it when that happens? Then I feel kind of shallow, but you like what you like.

scullerymaid at 12:33 p.m.

pots | pans