September 02, 2011


My grandmother is driving down from the Richmond area today to sign off on the title of my pathfinder since technically we are both co-owners of the car. So I went to set the title out for when she gets here...and it's gone! I've hunted high and low for that baby, dig through all the things I brought home after cleaning out the car, checked the rental, and looked in all my hiding places for important documents and it's nowhere to be found.

I swear, it's one shitty thing after another. I think I can go to DMV tomorrow and get a replacement, though. I wonder how much that will cost. I wish I could just find it. I was looking at it just the other day. I wonder if I moved it for some reason or another. I doubt it, especially since I remember looking at it and not taking it from its spot. But who knows! I half thought maybe I accidently took it to TJ's, but I haven't heard back from him yet.

While boys are on my mind again, I swear guys have a tracking radar. Remember how this week TJ is beginning to irk my last nerve? Well, the other night Tuf starts texting me at like 2 in the morning to come over and "cuddle and sleep." Uh huh. Haven't heard that name in awhile, have we? Probably not since February-definietly sometime in the winter at least. We've never actually gone out, but we've talked off and on since around the same time I started going out with Zach, which was Decemberish. So here I am feeling frustrated with my current squeeze and this guy starts texting me. I don't want to sound shallow, but he has the body of a Navy Seal and it was very tempting to take him up on his offer. What harm could sleeping together do, right? Ha! I know if I went over there sleeping probably would have led to caressing and kissing and God knows what else. So I stayed home. But I can't decide if maybe I should just move on. But no. I don't want to. I really do enjoy TJ's company and one week of extreme frustration isn't enough to send me back on the market yet. But the other day when I was at DMV turning in my tags, I almost bumped into this other guy I went out with. It's like they are suddenly popping out of the woodwork now that I'm beginning to feel rejected. Goodness me, I hope this isn't a sign of sorts.

I'm a little nervous about what my grandma is going to say once she gets here. I can already imagine a lecture about how I should've kept the title in a special place. But it was in a special just happens not to be there anymore. You know, I even found the original temporary certificate title thingy. So ridiculous.

On another note, I really like the people I work with, but maybe I should really start looking for a new job. A job that doesn't pay minimum wage and that is closer. I like the little life I've carved out for myself in Norfolk, but I think we all know it's just my way of escaping my reality here in Newport News.

My back hurts. I slept on it funny last night and I thought it would feel better by now but I almost think it's getting worse. Probably not, but I wish I could get it to stretch out.

I feel melancholy. I should go find one of my friends to lift my spirits.

scullerymaid at 5:39 p.m.

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