July 25, 2011

One tiny cramp for the week

I really and truly hate my period. Correction. I hate the irregularity of my period. It was irregular before birth control and it's even more irrgular after it.

Thanks to BC, I average about two periods a month. That's usually a period about every two weeks. For the most part, I'm okay with this. My periods aren't all that bothersome to begin with and like I always say a period is better than no period, especially when my intention is to avoid pregnancy. So I resigned myself to this half year of frequent periods until my prescription ran out. Then I would simply go back to the lady doctor, show her my carefully followed calendar of periods, and see if she reccomended a different brand to try out. That's my plan and still is my plan.

But this time, my period is playing tricks on me and I'm getting pretty fed up. So, whether I have my mid month period or not, I always get one toward the end of the month. That's when my three weeks of taking pills end and I get a free week to let the well empty so to speak. This aspect of my period is pretty much like clockwork and I usually start around the Wednesday of my break from pills week.

This month I had my period from the 8th to the 12th. I should have started my "real" period on the 20th, a week later from that date. Instead, I got some spotting on the 21st and that was all she wrote. What. Is. Up. With. That...?!?!?!?!?! Seriously, why does my period insist on plagueing me with all these worries about having buns in the oven. Life stresses me out enough as it is, I don't need to worry about that. I mean, the whole purpose of being on birth control is to feel confident about that kind of thing. And for the most part I do. As well researched as I am on these matters, I know it's very unlikely that I would become pregnant. Especially when you take into consideration that irregular, missed, and short periods are not always a sign of pregnancy, but can be a result from stress, taking oral contraceptives, and wight issues. Considering the fact that I currently fall into all three of those categories and seeing that I take my BC pills faithfully like it's my business, I know there's no need to worry.

But it would be nice if my uterus would cooperate with me, you know what I mean? I can't wait to discuss this with my lady doctor (I just have to find a new one that's local first).

But I am experiencing a little discomfort in my adominal region. Maybe the spotting on Thursday was just a prelude to a late period...?

This is so stupid!

scullerymaid at 10:05 p.m.

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