July 06, 2011


I love giving people presents. If i could make it into my profession I would. There's just something exciting and magical about selecting a well thought of gift and seeing someone gush about it. I thoroughly enjoy the whole process and planning and shopping and wrapping and finally gifting. Basket are my favorite. They provide variety and if you bomb with one item in the basket, there are more for the person to enjoy. I mention all this because TJ's birthday is coming up and since our relationship is still new...I was a t a loss as to what to get him. Hence the gift basket. So I've been planning out what to put in it and so forth. I think it's coming along nicely but it's missing a couple things. So I decided to do a Google search (I'm not found of the new layout yet) to see what other people buy their boyfriends and I found this one page that listed four general ideas to work with and then six items to avoid. At least four of the items in my basket (which is actually a colander because I'm tired of draining pasta by hand at his place) are from the avoid list. Oops. I do like to break rules every now and then, don't I?

I'm pretty excited about my gift colander though. Hopefully he will like it and if not I've also included practical things. Guess we'll find out!

I can't wait for Christmas. It's my favorite time of year. Plus I'm ready to kick this hot weather. I love living in a southern state but it might be time to move north haha.

Recently TJ hasn't been able to fall asleep. Then he sleeps the whole day away. It's the strangest thing. Before this week I always thought he fell asleep just fine. Now he tells me that I'm out before my head hits the pillow and he always falls asleep after me. I'm not sure if I believe him. I've never been one to fall asleep so easily...but maybe my sleeping habits have changes. I know my breathing deepens pretty quickly when I'm in bed, but that doesn't mean I'm asleep. I'm going to have to pay better attention!

scullerymaid at 12:45 a.m.

pots | pans