June 20, 2011

Houses and beds

Today I came up with a brilliant plan if I stay in Newport News. Since I would be living with my dad again and since my mom is planning on getting an apartment on her own, I suggested that the three of us just get a house. You know, a nice house with a yard where we can spread out but still support each other. We're already living together after all. Why not pay a similar price for more space and privacy and less rules? Plus I could move the cat outside again and 86 the smelly kitty litter. I don't know what they plan on doing with my brother, but we could get an extra room for him just in case. I think this is a great idea considering the circumstances. I've even found a house that I like. It's close to work and the interstate which is all I want. Well, that and it has a master suite I've already claimed for myself (my parents don't seem to mind which makes me feel a little weird lol). I also like that it has a large fenced in backyard that way my friends can come over and we can cookout (and I think a cookout would be a perfect opportunity to introduce everyone to TJ...plus in a spacious house I'd be less embarrassed to have everyone over). I feel like moving into a house with family as opposed to friends could be a fresh start. Guess we'll find out. And like I said, the price isn't too bad split three ways.

Of course, all these plans make it sound like I'll be staying in Newport News. I really do want to live with SB and it's not even that I mind moving to Richmond. It's just Richmond is my past. Newport News is my present and I have a feeling that the Hampton Roads is going to be my future. I feel like leaving would be a mistake, no matter how much I would prefer to live with SB and not my parents. I just hope she finds someone else. I'm so worried for her. As understanding as she was, I know she has to be freaking out. Then again, she on vacation in Alaska. Maybe she's not thinking about Richmond at all.

I'd love to be in Alaska right now.

Did I mention that TJ was talking about bigger beds again last night? I believe I did. Well, I think he's lost his mind. I asked him today if he would prefer a wooden frame or an iron one and he said that it would be a project. I think he actually plans on building a bed. The other day he sent me a text with a pic of a bed where the headboard was built into the wall and the footboard was suspended in the air and hung by wires. Oh goodness. I don't know how he plans on doing this. The layout of his room doesn't really seem like it would work out with such a project but whatever. I'd love to see him accomplish this feat.

scullerymaid at 10:47 p.m.

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