May 19, 2011

Fat skinny people

I really hate it when skinny people call themselves fat. Perhaps my perception of skinny is a little skewed, but in my opinion if someone is able to rock (and I do mean rock) and bikini every summer...they are not fat. I do not think a slightly thick thigh, chubby arms, or a round face constitutes as fat. If you shop at American Eagle or Aerie, you are not fat. In fact, in my opinion, just because your belly isn't as toned as a magazine cover does not make you fat.

When you have to shop at special stores to find clothes in your size, come talk to me. When you are scared that you won't fit in a roller coaster seat, come talk to me. When people tell you you have your grandmothers build, come talk to me. This whole obsession with fatness is driving me crazy. Sometimes I look at these girls that are complaining about being fat and I want to shout "I wish I was as fat as you!"

I understand that some people that don't look fat are considered obese. My friends swear I fall in that category, though I beg to differ. I understand there is a difference between fat and obese and chubby and we all like to keep things organized in levels like that. Fine. Whatever. I don't really care all that much. But still. Being pleasantly plump is not the end of the world! Notice the word pleasant in front of that duo. So please ladies, stop calling yourselves fat. Have you seen what the average woman's body looks like? Most of the girls I know are not bean poles. Nor are they fat. They are...average. Some of them have tiny waists and large hips. Some of them are large chested and broad shouldered. Some of them don't have a curve to lean on but still manage to straddle that line wear you are neither plus nor not plus sized. Most of the women I know where between a size 10 and 16. And none of them are FAT. They all still wear fucking bikinis because their bodies look good in bikinis.

So please enlighten me. As a formerly very obese girl who has lost some weight and can now squeeze into a size 14 if I so wish...if these girls that wear skimpy little swimsuits are fat, what does that make me? Because my body sure as hell doesn't look that good yet. So if you guys are fat, I must be a fucking hippo.

I have my insecurities at times, I admit. Sometimes I love my body and sometimes I wish I looked like a Victoria's Secret model. So I understand freaking out at gaining a few pounds here and there. I understand how annoying a little jiggle can be. But for goodness sake, stop complaining about your over-dramatized fatness and go running if it bothers you so much. Because you're making girls like me that have worked to lose weight feel like all that work has been for nothing if someone as not fat as you is calling themselves fat.

scullerymaid at 12:58 a.m.

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