May 11, 2011

Thinking thinking thinking

So I've been thinking.

Maybe I shouldn't be so focused on finding a big girl job right now. If I want to go to grad school in a year, perhaps that would be a waste of focus. Would I have time to study for the GRE if I was busy working a salray job? Maybe. I've never been in the position to know. But I also want to do some traveling this year. Go to Guam. Go to Key West. Go to Montana. It's a lot easier to take a vacation with hourly pay. At least, that's my theory. This is supposed to be my fin, relaxed year before buckling down again, right? So why am I letting money stress me out? Yes, I do need to keep money in mind...but there's nothing wrong with getting a waitressing or bartending job for a year, now is there?

So maybe I should shift my focus and just worry about saving money for all the things I want to do instead of wigging out over that big girl job. I think this plan will give me less ulcers.

Eh, guess we'll see what happens. Lord knows I change my mind like the wind

scullerymaid at 9:29 p.m.

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