May 01, 2011

Jobs, bite marks, and sore muscles

If I hadn't of quit my job, I'd be on my way to Mexico right now with Linsey and Coley (the girls I went to Costa Rica with). Unfortunately, being jobless left me with no money to afford such a vacation even though it was cheaper than going to Spain. I guess I'll catch the next trip.

I was going to start job hunting today. Well, applying anyway. I've figured out all the places that are hiring. Then I realized something: I don't have any nice clothes. None. All my interview like clothes I've thrown away because they are too big. I was browsing through my closet today and the only things that make up my wardrobe are a jean skirt, a pair of jeans, some super short jean shorts, and a bunch of t-shirts. Whoa! When did that happen? I have one nice shirt that I usually wear with my jeans, but my friend said I shouldn't wear jeans while job hunting. I feel like it shouldn't be that big of a deal as long as I look nice. I mean, the uniform where I want to work is just jeans and a black shirt. But I guess that's where first impressions come in, huh? So I guess tomorrow I will be shopping for some black pants. I just have no clue where. I had hoped Old Navy would be my saving grace since that's where I got my jeans...but no! Their black pants were a horrible fit.

All I want to do this summer is waitress so I can save lots of money. But a part of me wishes I already had that big girl job. That would be a hell of a commute though.

Zach came back from Cali last night and I was surprised he called me up so soon after arriving. I think it's his goal in life to fuck up my neck so I can't go discreetly out in public- another reason I've postponed my interviews. I know I've been up and down on whether or not I want to stay with him, but I think I'm finally starting to lose a lot of my interest. It's nice that I can call him up when I'm craving boy, but sometimes I would like to watch a movie or cook dinner. He always says that we are friends, but in my eye we are not. Friends know things about each other and hang out and goof around. We have our goofy moments, sure, but it's not enough. I really don't see how people can be satisfied with a fwb type of relationship. In the movies they don't work out, and it's not working out for me. But at the same time I've grown comfortable in my relationship with Zach. I think that's why I stick around. I don't feel like going through the effort of meeting someone else. He's leaving in a couple months anyway.

On another note, my entire body aches. The gym really kicked my ass. I didn't think this training would be that bad since I'm already a good runner. Wrong! Everything hurts! But that's a good thing. No pain, no gain haha.

scullerymaid at 6:42 p.m.

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