April 13, 2011

Foot fetish

I have the distinct feeling that I'm about to get myself into trouble. That is, if trouble hasn't already found me. This is a bad idea. A bad, bad idea and either way I'm going to get bit. I just can't foretell if it's going to be a good bite or a nasty one.

The boy has started calling me. To talk. To make conversation. To form a connection. In my past experience, when a boy starts calling you...things are about to get interesting.

He seems to know my weaknesses to. For our Friday night date he has bribed me with food. Tonight he talked me into stopping by before he went to work with the promise of a foot rub. And let me tell you- I left his apartment feeling like a pampered woman. We just sat out on the couch watching the Foodnetwork, my legs sprawled across his lap and he rubbed them down from thigh to toe, smoothing in lotion as he went.


Safe to say, I am indeed in trouble. I do have the tiniest inkling that the boy may be trying to seduce me. Of course, we should not forget that this is the same boy that asked me to be his girlfriend then took it back the next day. So we'll keep our guard up a little tighter this time. Yes ma'am. We're not going to fall so fast if there is a second go around.

I told my father about how Jordan has been calling me and I wasn't sure what to do about the whole situation. Then he turned to me and said God works in mysterious ways. Thanks Dad. I guess everyone deserves a second chance...maybe.

I must admit I enjoyed watching him get changed for work. I sat on the counter and watched as he shaved and the two of us chatted lightly all the while. Then he laced up his boots, hugged and kissed me good night, and we parted ways.

When all is said and done, I wonder how this is going to end. I can sit here and hope for the best. I could easily slip into that role. But we all know I'd rathe rbe difficult and fight it for all I'm worth. If he's going to seduce me, he better do it proper like and be ready for the challenge.

scullerymaid at 12:15 a.m.

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