April 12, 2011

Final figure

My 2D class has this way of irking me to the extreme. I know that I'm a last minute kind of student. I am a self proclaimed procrastinator to the max. But that does not show in my work. I spent a good chunk of time on my final figure last night-- the same amount of time I would've spent on it had I started a week ago-- and I was proud of the results. I even showed my art to my art major friends to see what they thought. Naturally, my stuff doesn't display the highest skill level, but for what I was required to do they said it was nice. Wrong! My professor didn't like. She didn't even bother giving me a constructive reason and just told me to work on this other image instead. I'm so disappointed! What a waste of three hours. I could've been working on my paper which is probably more important than this stupid art class. I resent having to take this class anyway. I'm a historian not a studio artist. It doesn't matter if I spent 5 hours on a piece or 5 minutes, I still get the same lousy grade.

Then she told me I missed one of the figure days. That is such bullshit. I was late one day by like five minutes. But I didn't miss any of the modeling. The model was late the same day I was. But no. Apparently I was late one day and missed another day. I told her that I didn't miss any days, but she quickly moved onto my critique instead.

This really does upset me. Now I feel like my showing up at all is pointless. Why bother coming if she doesn't like any of my stuff? I wish I had pass/failed. Then I truly would not bother!

Two more weeks. That's all I have to deal with. Two more weeks and pulling a B to keep my GPA where I want it.

scullerymaid at 8:36 a.m.

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