April 06, 2011

Pah with it all

Oh, I've also decided that good dates are worse than the bad ones. At least with the bad ones you can go home and be glad it's over with. If someone groped you without permission, at least you left with your dignity. The good dates, however, are tricksy. They give you hope and before you know it, expectations begin to develop in that part of your brain reserved for romance. If a hand wanders, you don't mind. You want it to wander just as bad anyway. If things get heated, no big deal. This guy isn't a creeper, right? And the next day is bliss because maybe this one will turn into something, casual or serious is really of no consequence.

But it's just an act. Instead of being straightforward (I mean, come on- girls like a good roll in the hay just as much as a guy does), these good date mother fuckers decide to feed you all these lines. But no one cares about the lines. What is so hard about open communication? Seriously, if you want to get into some one's pants, just tell them and maybe they'll want to get in yours too. What century are we living in? Seriously...

Okay, that's the rest of my rant. Guys? Be straightforward. Aren't you supposed to be the straightforward sex anyway? I think shy, quiet me is more forward than any of the guys I've gone out with.

scullerymaid at 12:55 a.m.

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