March 09, 2011


I went on the most amazing date last night. It was great, especially after that shitty day at work.

We didn't even meet up until 12:30 haha. So the only place open was Fridays and they kicked us out at two. And all he did was talk and talk and talk. I've never met anyone that talks so much! He wanted me to talk more, but I was so interested in all his crazy storied I couldn'd think of anything to say. So he talked more with me piping in every once in awhile.

We weren't ready for the night to end, but for obvious reasons we couldn't go to my place and he lives in Norfolk. So we went to the park. Well, the parking lot of the park because parks are closed at night. Then the coppers came. And of course we had both had a drink at Fridays and the guy was being a total dick about it. Then three more showed up and I felt like a criminal. But he let us go with a warning, thanks God. He did make us switch so that I had to drive. He could smell the beer on my guy but not the fruity number I had. I might have fibbed a little about my consumption. So I had to drive his car home- which was a stick shift. I love stick, but haven't driven in years and driving other people's cars makes me nervous. So he made fun of me, but it was all good.

We decided just to hang out in my parking lot since we were sure not to be stopped again. Turns out he had also been stopped on his way to pick me up. Crazy crazy crazy. So we just hung out in his car til 4 before he decided he had to go, which was good because I'd been up since 7 and was starting to crash. He walked me to my door and kissed me and we both wished my dad wasn't home. But it was probably a good thing. We're going to take it slow with this one.

But he was really nice and really funny and I really liked him. He's 26 and in the Navy, but I don't mind. He's also Egyptian, which I didn't think I would dig that much because we all know about my fascination with gingers- I like my men fish-pale and freckly- but he was really cute. And he kept saying how sweet I was haha. He justs needs to wait for me to warm up and let my sas out lol.

We need to work on our kissing chemistry because in the car his teeth kept bumping into mine, but the thing is he wants to work on it and take me out again. I'm a lot more excited then I thought I would be.

What an amazing night!

scullerymaid at 11:13 a.m.

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