March 07, 2011


There are two very strong reasons why I dislike living with my father and would love to get an apartment on my own (however impractical that may be).

1. He smokes. I have nothing against smokers. You can smoke as much as you like. One of my best friends in a smoker and my best kisser smoked. I just don't like it in my house, especially a tiny apartment. I hate walking in at night after a long day at work and smelling his little habit. Because then I skip away yo my room when I would very much enjoy sitting at the table for a moment.

2. He is deaf. This means he blares the tv. The walls here are very thin so I can awlays always always here whatever he is watching. That's not really such a big deal- I can always turn on my music. The problem is I can't sleep with noise. Don't ask me why, but I need silence in order to fall asleep. So every night I have to wait for however long it takes him to go to bed to tiptoe out to the living room and turn off the tv. Then I, too, can go to bed.

These two little things are the things that will drive me from this apartment. I just haven't figured out how to afford living alone yet. Gotta get that big girl job!

I know this is random and off topic, but even though Jordan was a PK and a total piece of shit at the end, that boy sure knew how to cuddle. I miss those cuddles! Thinking about it sends delightful shivers down my back. I wonder who the next cuddler will be?

scullerymaid at 11:38 p.m.

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