August 27, 2010


I want you and I want you now.

Those are probably my favorite words in the whole wide world...especially when I'm against a washing machine or bathroom sink -grin- I've been thinking about some of my escapades earlier this summer and it gives me a delightful shiver. has started, which means no more long nights because I have early mornings. It really makes me reconsider my work schedule. For example, I work at 5am tomorrow. What? Each weekend I seem to be coming in earlier and earlier. We started off at 8, moved to seven, skipped on down to six, and now we're finally at 5. Thanks, Jules, thanks. Short nights means no boys and that makes me yearn for some male company.

On an entirely different note, yesterday I dropped my French minor and picked up an Anthropology minor. I'm only one class away and since I don't get quite the same joy out of French as other people, I decided it was time to temporarily throw in the rag. One day, curs-ed French, one day I'll be back! So now I'm a Spanish major with minors in Art History and Anthropology. I find this satisfying. Except for the fact taking Anthropology with a good professor has piqued my interest again. Drats! I finally get comfortable with the idea of going to grad school for Creative Writing and Anth pops up again to bite me in the ass. I remember when I was first introduced to the idea of Anthropology in high school. It was junior year. I was at Number 1 New Chine reading the local paper while waiting for my food. And there before me was an article on a soon-to-be high school grad/college freshman that wanted to pursue an education in Anthropology. Ever since then, I've been intrigued. My my school has an underdeveloped department (in my opinion) and I fell into the rhythm of taking Spanish classes. But look at me now? I've come full circle and now want to follow my original love. Well, my original interest, anyway. Hopefully I'm sure this time and don't change my mind. Deadlines are approaching rather quickly.

What else? I started watching a kdrama today. It's called Seeking Love. Cute so far, though a little predictable. But isn't it that predictability that draws us in in the first place? Don't we love knowing what's going to happen and getting excited, shocked, and delighted all the same? I know I sure do! Bring on the cheesy, complicated romances, mai. Dude, bring them on.

scullerymaid at 9:05 p.m.

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