August 18, 2010

Old diary

There's so much I don't remember. Right now Popeguy is going through this ridiculous phase of blogging about his childhood (I only say ridiculous because he always knocks on me when I try to remember things). So, as I read what he's written, I begin to reminice. And I keep drawing blanks.

My first memory is a false memory. I was born two months prematurely and weighed 3 pounds. My dad used to tell me that he could hold me in the palm of his hand. So I have this silly memory in my head of my dad holding me in the palm of his hand after I was born. But that's not a true memory but an image I've created in my head. After that, I remeber my great grandparents. I don't know if I lived with them or not, but I remember always being on their farm with my cousins. I remember nap time and sneaking out to go watch cable at my grandmother's next door. I remember that there was a hospital bed in the dining room. I remember the paddle my gramps used to threaten us with.

I also remember the apartment in Richmond we lived in. That's when my brothers were born. Growing up, I remember moving around a lot, but I don't really remember specific instances. My grandmother used to tell me all kinds of stories from when she was a kid. I don't know if I'll be able to do that fo my own grandchildren. Maybe the older you get, the more you remember

scullerymaid at 12:50 p.m.

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