May 26, 2010

Cities that begin with c

Although I am currently in Chicago, I want it to be made known that I fell in love with Charlotte, NC over the weekend. That city had an amzing vibe. It's just so artsy. And small. It is a small city I will admit, but it's quaint. From eating at Phat Burrito and Common Market to checking out Area 15 and 24-7 down at the warehouse, it was an amzing experience. And the people. I stayed with this band called My Epic and they are just some amazing guys. I have a lot of respect for who they are, what they do, and what they stand for and I'm just really glad to have met them. I never thought I'd be staying with a band before. A real band that has a following and everything. It was just so weird because they are just regular guys. You know? They hold down jobs not that different from my own job at Panera and they are just carving out a living. They just also happen to be very talented musicians.

I have every intention of going again and can't wait! Plus it was really nice seeing SB. I love that girl wholeheartedly and it's always nice spending time together.

Now back to Chicago. i had my doubts about this windy city. I didn't think I would like it all that much, but I do. Not to live in, but I wouldn't mind another visit some day. I like the architecture and all the parks. I like the train. And everywhere I turn someone is speaking Spanish, which I didn't expect at all. It's been a good trip.

But now I need to go home and take care of some business. Costa Rica is fast approaching and I'm not ready yet.

scullerymaid at 10:30 p.m.

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