December 09, 2009

Crossing my fingers

Let's take a look at at grades this semester. I'm afraid they are not going to match up with thos eof last semester. No, this time I am definietly dropping down to B's. At least I think so. B in Bio Lab, and I pray for a B in Spanish. But my final paper kind of sucked and I doubt my final is going to be too hot. I might pull off an A in French, but I think it will be a B+. Religion could go either way depending on the final. I was rather lazy in that class. I'm not even bothering to think about Public Speaking. That's another class where I'm praying for a B. As for Art History, I'm not sure. I want to say A, but that was a hard class. Maybe not. As long as I stay in the Brang, though, I'll be happy.

Next semsester will be better. I'll have a different Span professor, which is going to be a good thing. And I'll be in all language and art classes. No more bullshit classes I don't feel like rolling out of bed for.

On a brighter note, today was our Christmas exchange and I got a tea set, a crock pot, and an evil eye charm. I was rather pleased with my gifts.

scullerymaid at 12:50 p.m.

pots | pans