November 13, 2009


The weather here has been insane. Terrential rain! Hella wind! School is cancelled. Even Panera closed down yesterday.

But at least now I don't have to write my speech yet. I really need to stop procrastinating.

Oh, and I've heard that I can take a Spanish class in Spanish in Canada. If so, I'm gone. Because if my roommate goes, where am I going to live? With the Twins and I really don't want to. Besides, I'm sure I could take Art History and Anthro there...if they are in English. My French is not that good.

I don't know. Here's my problem. I really want to go, but I also really want to graduate on time. And after this semester if I don't get into the two classes I want, I need 7 more classes to graduate: Span 353, Mlan 308, Mlan 490 (which I'm trying to fight; I've taken extra Spanish classes)a writing intensive class, two FNAR classes, and a studio art class. And potentially 3 anthro classes unless I switch back to a french minor since i'll be in Canada. I can't do Mlan aborad, but I don't see why not the rest. Well, maybe not the sudio class.

I don't know. We'll see what happens. We're going to sit down and discuss it eventually. There's still some time.

scullerymaid at 11:42 a.m.

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