September 18, 2009


I believed I mentioned wanting to study abroad this summer and go to France and Spain, yes? Well, i know which part of France I would go to: Aix-en-Province. But I have no idea which part of Spain I want to go to. I was thinking Barcelona because it's closer to France than the other places...but they speak Catalan and I don't feel like dealing with that. So maybe Madrid? I hear it's really nice. I don't know! There are so many different cities offered. Salamanca, Seville, Granada, Alicante, Bilbao, Malaga, Valencia, or Santander. Ahh!

So yeah, I have no idea where I want to go. And that also brings up the question of when I want to go. Originally, I planned on doing both countries in the summer, one month in Spain then one month in France. But if I could go in the fall, my financial aid would pay for it. Well, for Spain anyway. Only one country per semester please. But then I have to get speacial permission and fill out all this paperwork to study abroad my senior year, something my university discourages. But it is possible. So I'm not sure what I want to do. A semester seems like a long time, but it would be the best way to finally become fluent.

And yes, I would choose Spain over South America. I've always wanted to go to Spain and I really don't mind the accent. Yeah, when you first hear it, you kinda want to do a double-take, but that quickly passes. Today I was listening to a woman at the Study Abroad Fair and I thought her accent was fine. Besides, it's not all that different from say an Argentinian or Venezuelen accent. I mean it is, but it isn't. Compare Spain with Mexico and then Argentina, and I think it's more similar to the latter. Maybe I'm mistaken, but whatever. I want to go to Spain. Ew, I'd probably have to learn vosotros though. Yuck!

scullerymaid at 7:05 p.m.

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