June 04, 2009

Settled yet? Yeah, kinda

I finished unpacking my room today. Feels pretty darn good if I do say so myself!

Oh! And Ian and I were cooking lunch together today. I made a green pepper and ham omlette whil;e he grilled a turkey burger. Let me confess that the thought of a turkey burger has always turned me away a little bit. I mean...a turkey made into a burger?! Who ever heard of such a thing. So we were joking around and I was making fun of his food when he gave me a peice.

It was quite DELISCIOUS! I really want to go cook one up now, but we're going out for Becky's (his sister and our house mate) birthday dinner. I was very shocked when she invited me too. How kind of her.

Also, for the past couple nights I've been trying to make garlic-cheese biscuite. You know, like the Red Lobster kind. Well, what a disaster! The first time, they turned into cheese balls. The second time, the bread was just too heavy. Third time? Definitely the charm! I whipped some up with Bisquick today and they were perfect! Lesson learned? You cannot replace Bisquick with flour. Save yourself time, effort, and disappointment and just don't try to do it. Silly flour trying to be like the top dogs...

On a more sad note, I am not Speaking to Popeguy. And now I'm freely and opening glaring at the BF. You know, all this time I always think "I'm not being fair. I should be more understanding. I'm overreacting!" But it's not true. I'm not overreacting. Yeah, I could probably handle everything differently and in a better way, but it's not completely my fault. There are three players in this game and until they complete their part, I am not going to be the scapegoat anymore. I am not the one ot blame!

scullerymaid at 5:14 p.m.

pots | pans