June 03, 2009

4 months

That's it. We are no longer friends! I don't want to talk to him, see him, or even smell him. What an ass! Why is it so hard to understand my side? Why does he never defend me when I actually at least make a small effort? What does BF do? Nothing. Sure, maybe he tries to control how "touchy-feely" he is, but does he make any effort to talk to me or get to know me? No! So why do I have to do everything? Why is it all my fault? If Popeguy was the best friend he's supposed to be, would he treat me this way? I'm tired of fighting all the time. I'm just tired. And I think I'm finally angry enough to do what I need to. If he can threaten to throwbe away our friendship, I can cut him out of my life too. We are not friends until he apologizes. I've done everything I can. It's his turn.

I'm finished!

Dear BF,

Thank you for stealing away my (ex) best friend and turning him into the cold-hearted monster he is that doesn't understand me anymore because you've clouded his brain with your fake charm. Oh, and I must say that I'm sorry for not making enough effort to get to know you. I mean, I only said hi whenever I saw you, smiled even though I wanted to puke, and even ate with you. But God knows you did so much more than me. Thanks for trying to talk to me and not being awkwardly timid. Thanks for coming over to try and get to know your boyfriend's frineds. I don't understand why this didn't work out with everything you've done to try and build a relatinship between us. Silly me. Why didn't I try harder...?

Fucking bastard!

scullerymaid at 10:43 a.m.

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