March 23, 2009


I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out!

Seriously, I'm freaking out.

I've made my decision. I haven't said it out loud yet, butI know exactly what I'm going to do. This is how it always works. Once my mind is made up, that's it. There' no point in even denying it anymore.

I'm going to move into the house. I want to move into the house. Yeah, it wasn't at the top of my list at first, but it's growing and growing on me, and now I'm convinced.

But I'm afraid. The Twins are going to stay on campus. I just know it. Math doesn't want to live alone with Snortgiggles. And I don't blame her. Snortgiggles is a very busy girl. She's never here. In an apartment, Math would be left alone all the time and if she lived off campus, she wouldn't have a car to leave in when she got bored and lonely.

So what is Snortgiggles going to do? I feel like we've alla bandoned her. Who is she going to live with? What are her options? She didn't sign up for housing. I feel like it's my fault if she left behind. I mean, I know she was the stupid one for not doing housing, but from the beginning the two of house were 100% down with getting an apartment. But I got a better offer and am backing out. Everything is just falling apart. We went from 7 people to 1 person. How did that happen?

I told them I was considering the house and they said that's okay. But I don't think they thought I would do it. I don't know how to break it to Snortgiggles and it's giving me ulcers. Uggh!

I had the perfect excuse to do it; we didn't have a cosigner. But now Snortgiggles mom is willing to do it. But there are other reasons I want to live in the house. It's different people, a new experience. I just want to get away and expand a little bit. And it would be fun, I know it would. I love all the people that I'd be living with. Except one girl, but that's because I've never met her. But apparently she's a recluse and will stay in her room all the time anyway. And there's a dog I'm not to fond of, but I'll get over it.

Oh bother, how did this happen?

Anyway, I suck at life because I had a French exam and couldn't remember how to conjugate -ir verbs. Well, the professor isn't going to think I've been taking French for years anymore. I hope I can still manage an A in the class. That's all I care about.

Also, this morning I discovered what the inside of my stomach tastes like. And looks like. And it aint pretty. The girls were kind of freaking out on me. I'm not sick, so I don't see why it's such a big deal. Sometimes, the morning just doesn't mix well with me...

scullerymaid at 9:52 a.m.

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