March 11, 2009

Mister let me take your picture

I don't understand. If so many people think I'm pretty and what not, why does nobody want to date me? Or why do I always get stuck with creepers and losers? This past week I've met three guys all showing interest and you couldn't pay me to give them the time of day. One was the disaster known as Woody. Two was this guy that works at the movie theater who tried to get my number last time I was in town. No thank YOU! And now there's this older guy telling me how "guapa" I am. Ay, dios mio!

Do you know what I want? When I finally decide that a boyfriend would be nice, all I want is a guy that will take me to see the Richmond Symphony and go see plays. Someone that will cook with me and have pillow talk. Someone that understands me because I know that I can be a little weird in a stupid kind of way and that I don't communicate very well. When I talk sometimes I swear people don't understand what I'm saying. I want someone that's creative.

But I also want someone that will balance out my characteristics. Creativity is awesome. But I don't want someone that is a carbon copy of myself. I want someone that I can casually argue with. If he wants to watch Monday night football, that's great because I won't be watching it. I just want someone who I won't simply nod along with as they talk. Someone that I am absolutely comfortable with. And someone that isn't going to bore me to death.

Is that a lot? With 6000 students you'd think I could find him. Or at least a close version of him.

scullerymaid at 9:07 p.m.

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