September 14, 2008

Soothe me to sleep

Tonight was a nice night. Some of the girls and I had a study session at Popeguys and we all ordered Chinese. Then they left and I hung out for awhile and I'm just loving the Tiger Lily/Popeguy time we've been having lately. Tonight we were sitting on his bed and I was inspecting him (something I do regularly because I find everything about him to be fascinating). He has this dry rash thing on his arm. I don't know what exactly it is, but it's not contagiuos and he scratches it hella often. So I was looking at it and started rubbing it and I swear he was going to die and go to heaven. Apparently it felt really good. So we sat like that for a little while. It was very relaxing. Soothing if you will. And we chatted peacefully.

And earlier we got into a major tickle war. And it kills me to admit that he's winning so far. Even though he's so tiny, he is one strong little bugger and and I couldn't pin him for a second. Every time Itried soemthing, he flug me back on the bed. And he licked my cheek! That is so disgusting. And he knows I hate it which is why he did it. Now I'm in need of vengence...but I don't know what. He doesn't think anything is disgusting like I do :-/

scullerymaid at 10:47 p.m.

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