February 11, 2008

AIM versus Facebook...

Oh if you could see me right now!

His AIM isn't working. Do you know what that means? We're talking through Facebook messages. And I am so impatient. It's not as, well, instant as Instant Messaging. And I'm going insane because I message faster than he does and I feel stranded and it's just crazy!

See, at least with AIM he can tell me if he's brb. But not with this...

Have I always been impatient? I tend to think of myself as a pretty patient person, but maybe I'm not. I don't feel very patient anyway. I have things to say and talk about, and I just like talking to him anyway, but I can't because it's facebook and I'm just not getting any gratification out of it. Granted, I'm glad that we have facebook because otherwise we wouldn't be talking at all right now seeing as I still don't have a phone (which, he's a slow texter, too), but still!

I'm so impatient, I just want to tell him to talk to me later. But then I wouldn't be talking to him now.

Did I mention that I should be sent to the mental place?

scullerymaid at 1:24 a.m.

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