December 25, 2007

Christmas and Civ

Grandma made me go to the doctor today, which was quite frustrating. Well, she didn't really make me, but rather kept bringing it up so I went so she'd leave me alone already. And I appreciated her taking me, really. I'm just tired of everyone treating me as if I'm dying. Hello! That was last week. Friday to be exact. Now I just have a congested chest and no voice. Okay, it's bronchitis, which is why I'm grateful, but still. Not dying here! There's no reason to sit around in bed all day and even less reason to spend my time SLEEPING!

I'm not in denial about being sick. I'm just asking everyone to stop exaggerating it. It is strange that my voice is gone. My throat doesn't even hurt... unless I talk a lot and it didn't even do that until this afternoon. But I lost it yesterday. Quite strange.

Anyway, Christmas was pretty good, besides the whole going to the doctor. It's so strange to have dinner on the eve instead of the day. After opening presents at dawn, a tradition, there was nothing left to do. No dinner to go to. No gifts to wrap at the last moment...

So I spent a majority of the day watching Season 7 of Buffy. Yeah, that's right! I finally got it. Still no 6, but it'll come around the corner. I'm also thinking about asking for Civilization IV for my birthday. This is what happens when you hang around with a bunch of guys.

For Christmas I also received speakers for my laptop so I can jam out in my dorm now, some movies, gift cards, boots, and a few other things I can't quite think of right now.

Tomorrow I'm going back to the house with Peace and Popeguy. I'm so ready to get out of here. I think this place is what made me sick. It's dark and dirty and smokey. Yeah, smoking doesn't cease or even slow down when someone has a lung infection around here. Oh well.

I really miss my car. I hate having to wait around to get something done. Like going to the house. Can't go 'till 3. Otherwise I'd just pop up and keep Peace company since Popeguy's taking the van for work. Shoot some pool, play some Civ IV, have insightful conversations.

But no. I'll have to wait, which I suppose is good. I really need to clean my room. And do some reading. Bathe, which I might wait until I leave. Our shower is so messed up!

scullerymaid at 10:11 p.m.

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