December 18, 2007

A shared favorite

This is an entry I jotted down earlier today before I was pissed:

OMD! I couldn�t pass up writing this really quick. Right this moment I�m sitting in Grandma�s car on my way to pick up cherish from college. JK and Squirt are in the front, Grandma and I in the back. Grandma asked JK if he remembered Gramps ever cursing because she didn�t. He didn�t either. It turns out Aunt May has been telling Granny that Gramps used to curse like a sailor. Poor Granny doesnt remember this and thinks she starting to forget him. But we�re going to assure her that she hasn�t Aunt May's memory isn�t the best in the world and Gramps was a true gentleman around women and children. There were a few damns and hells, but hey, no one�s perfect. Anyway, the point of this entry is that grandma was saying she didn�t hear half the words she knows until she went to work. And her personal favorite? Shit.

It�s mine too. When I actually do cuss. OMD!

Talking about sailors! I was so close to sounding like a sailor myself tonight. Only I was in a car with my grandmother, cousin, and brother and I just can't see myself saying those kinds of things in front of them. I don't even say them around most of my friends!

scullerymaid at 9:02 p.m.

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