May 18, 2006


Comment, then I shall give you a letter. Go back to your journal, and write ten words beginning with that letter, including an explanation what the word means to you and why.

1. Rene- On the day of my birth, parents decided that Rene (with an accent over the last "e: the way the French spell it) would be my middle name. With it's Latin origins, the name means reborn.

2. "Roswell"- If I remember correctly, I was introduced to this television series one afternoon when Is tayed home sick. It was a marathon and I was in the living room, curled up on a cot (yes, a cot!) and watched about 9 episodes. There was no turning back after that. And it originated from a book series!

3. Romania- I met her in 5th grade. A tall, skinny girl whom my father refers to as "chicken legs." Naturally, her real name isn't Romania, though her name does start with an R. No, I used this as her nickname because she's from Romania.

4. Religion- I went to a Catholic school from the time I was in kindergarten up untilI graduated from 7th grade. And of course, we had a religion class. I really didn't mind it. I leanred about God and the Bible, which is very interesting and religion is a part of my life, has always been a part of my life, and always will be a part of my life. And Religion was the first and last class I ever received an F in. Can you believe it?

5. Reading- I am a bookworm. And I'm proud to say so. Now I do admit that I haven't always known the luxury of reading. I didn't pick up the habit until about 2nd-3rd grade. And I fell in love. In fact, I love reading so much, I've turned my closet into a library.

6. Red- I'm not a big fan of red, but I've been told that the color looks good on me. But the reason "Red" is on this list would be because of my Granny. Or perhaps my Gramps. I remeber that they brought home a few dresses once when I was younger and the one I liked best was this red, spanish styled dress. And the skirt of it was a twirler.

7. Rosenberg, Willow- My favorite BTVS ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer") character. She's so adorable. I think I do like her dorky, high school self better, but I understand the necessity for her to grow into the person she became.

8. River Tam- I am a Browncoat. For those of you who aren't flunet in the lingo, that means I am a hardcore fan of Joss Whedon's "Firefly" and "Serenity." And River Tam is probably my favorite character. I just love her crazy babling because I love to fit together the pieces and solve the mystery that is River. Oh, and who doesn't love her dancer's feet. She's so graceful.

9. Riddles- As can be seen from number 8, I like riddles. I may not be the best at solving them, but I love the feeling that you feel when you do connect the pieces and realization hits you.

10. Romantic- I'm a born romantic. I love love stories, fairy tales, and happy endings. They're just wonderful.

scullerymaid at 7:58 p.m.

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