April 30, 2006

Quesadilla del Mar

So, yesterday I spent the day in driving school. I hopefully promise never to get a ticket again so I will never have to endure such torture again. It wasn't bad, really, just extremely long. And it was long because we had to watch 8 30 minute videos, go over worksheets, break for lunch + several breaks inbetween to keep the blood flowing, and we started late (but surprisingly stopped early). The instructor was really nice though. He was a cop for 28 (?) years and now teaches driving school and is an insurance agent.

The building where the school was at was quite interesting too. When I first walked in, the front office is so small, that when I shut the door I found myself face-to-face with a dream catcher that was behind the door. I thought, neat, they have a dream cather. Then I turned around to face the office I had entered and low-and-behold, I thought I had walked into a tee-pee (or Native American shop). There were dream cathcers, dools, bows, arrows, and all kinds of other Indian stuff all over the place. There wasn't a clear space on the wall nor ground. See, the owners of the building are part cherokee, and so are big collectors. It was rather neat actually. It kept me entertained for a portion of the class. And I sat next to a bunch of healing stones hoping to stay awake. I nodded, but I didn't fall asleep.

We had an hour for lunch. I decided to go to this little BBQ place that's next to the library. I ordered a lovely BBQ sandwich with fries and a lemon water. For dessert I had a marvelous blackberry cobbler with ice cream. I LOVE blackberries. But the cobbler tastes much better cold that warm.

Since it was late and nobody was home when class let out, I went out to dinner with Romania and her mom and her mom's boyfriend to, in my opinion, the best mexican restaurant in the world. I had my usual #1, but Mrs. L had me try her Quesadill del Mar. The shrimp was sooo good. I am definitely getting that next time!

And Romania decided to spend the night since she'd be home alone and she went prom shopping with me today. I got some make-up and jewelry, and tried on some shoes. I'll finish shopping tomorrow. The make-up looks pretty nice.

scullerymaid at 4:18 p.m.

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