April 30, 2006


I spent the evening with Dad, Squirt, and Farm-uncle. We all went to Panera. I ordered the I.C. Spice (after I realized that it was coffee and not a deliciously spicy beverage) and a Home Style Lemonade. Farm-uncle was on his laptop downloading songs for his IPod. When Dad took Squirt home real quick, he let me pick some songs. It was quite nice. And after a year of of being determined not to fall into the IPOd trend, I've decided to invest in one. Budgeting my money, I figure it'll take me a month to save up for the one that also plays videos. That is, if I don't want to wait and just get it for Christmas. If I want to just get the Nano, it'ss only take me three weeks to save. Why not wait an extra week? And what else am I going to do with my money. I don't really buy a whole lot of things, so I don't minding spending so much money on one thing this once.

Also, now Dad wants me to apply at Panera. I don't know. Maybe. I took in their uniforms, and they don't look so bad. But the only kakhis I have happen to also be jeans. We'll see.

On a low note, my check card is missing. I don't see how. I keep it in my purse at all times. SO I'm going to go clean my car and hope it fell out in there somewhere. I realy hope I won't have to cancel it and order another one.

Happy note: I get to go into work tonight 15 minutes late!

"I don't really see what the Panera hype is about. But the environment is lovely"

scullerymaid at 7:03 p.m.

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