September 13, 2005

Horses playing bass

I remember what I was going to say, though I've forgotten something else.

I don't understand the concept of reading while using the bathroom. I can see perhaps keeping a stack of magazines handy, but books? My grandma has borrowed my favorite book, and she takes it into the bathroom. My favorite book! It grosses me out a little. Now everytime I see it, guess what my brain shoots to? Disgusting bathroom bacteria and dirty hands. *shivers* My mouth never works when I wish it would. I'll say nothing about it.

Maybe I'll just buy another book. (I don't think I'm that crazy)

I found a barn, and it's relatively close to home. I was thinking about volunteering at one so I can learn to work with horses. I think I see some possibility here.

But I'm holding myself back. I keep making excuses on why not to call the owner and ask- school just started. What if they say no? What if I'm really bad at it? That last one is really ridiculous. As long as I do what I'm suposed to do I'll be fine.

I'll work on my self-confidence issues. There isn't time to have problems like that.

I learned to play on the bass clef today in piano. I played it better than the treble, at leat in my opinion. I'm still waiting for the Vice Principal to reply to my request, and it's nearly impossible to get in touch with my guidance counselor. But I'm still hoping.

"Patience is a virtue"

scullerymaid at 6:06 p.m.

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