June 28, 2016

All the changes at once

Well, I've been a busy busy little bee and made quite a lot of life choices in a very short time frame. First and foremost, I moved in with Brian. Since I was spending so much time at his place anyway, we decided it was the next step. Plus, it would save us both money. Especially me. Right now, he's insisting that I don't pay my whole share of rent until things have settled down a bit, which I really appreciate. It makes me feel like a bit of a freeloader, but I do keep the house stocked with food and make dinner almost every night, so at least I'm contributing. He's already complaining that I'm making him fat. Sometimes I'd like to tell him maybe he shouldn't drink so much beer if he's worried about his weight, but I like his size. I've been showing my apartment to possible sub-letters. Hopefully that works out.

Second, I decided to go back to school. I've cheated a little bit. Instead of going straight into a grad program, I'm taking a few undergrad courses in my field. But that's okay because once I finish three 300/400 level courses and maintain a 3.3 GPA, I can start taking grad courses. All the courses I'm registered for in the fall are upper level courses, so hopefully I can keep good grades. I should be able to since I quit my job.

That's right. Yesterday was my last day at ECPI. Haven't decided how I feel about it yet. I kinda snuck out at the end of the day without saying goodbye to anyone, but I had lunch with the people that mattered most so I guess that counts for something? It's weird. Knowing that I quit my job like that. But the department was always so unstable, and my boss was fired literally two days after i have her my notice. So I figure one way or another I made the right decision. My biggest concern actually isn't money (how surprising is that!), but getting health insurance. I don't really like any of the plans available to me, but I have to have insurance so we'll see how that goes.

So that's what's been going on with me. I've been a big bundle of nerves about the whole thing, and bless Brian for being so supportive. He really is so wonderful. Even if he farts on me and keeps moving the coffee table. I couldn't ask for a better partner.

We also started back at the gym yesterday. Hopefully all this free time will help me get into shape. Well, reasonable free time at least. I'm still working at the restaurant and will increase my hours throughout the week. I tried to keep all my courses to Tuesdays and Thursday, though I have one Wednesday course at 2pm. But it's only 1 credit and not a requirement, so maybe I'll have it waived. But the good thing is I won't be glued to my cube for 9 hours everyday. Being more active should help with my diabetes. Despite the fact that I haven't been to the gym in a while, I ran my mile yesterday with relative ease. It always makes me feel good that no matter how out of shape I feel, I can still at least run a mile. I was thinking about doing this challenge where you run one mile everyday for 40 days. Doesn't seem so bad, right? One down, 39 to go.

scullerymaid at 4:52 p.m.

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