June 14, 2016

Everything is okay

It's okay to feel a little panicked. It's okay to make big life decisions. It's okay.

I quit my job. I gave my boss my two weeks on Friday...and then she was fired today, so I'm considering just not going back. I timed it just right so I could squeeze one more check out, but with the happenings of today I'm not sure the money is worth spending one more minute associated with that company and those people. Of course, this terrifies me. Quitting terrifies me. I can hardly believe I actually did it. But it's done.

Brian and I have been talking about it for awhile. Pretty much ever since GA. We've been talking about moving in together. I've been complaining about having to drive all the way to ECPI now that I spend so much time on this side of the tunnel. And it's no secret I've wanted to leave for a long time. It's just that fear got in the way. And I haven't had any luck finding a new job. But like I said, Brian and I have been talking about it, and everything is going to be fine. I'm just going to work at the restaurant full time for a short while. Honestly, I bring as much money working there as I do working in a cube. But of course, I am taking a hit not having the two jobs anymore. But I spend a lot of time worrying about money and I just need to stop. Everything is fine. It's been fine. And it's going to be fine. That's the beauty of budgeting.

It looks like I'm also going to be starting classes in August. Not grad courses yet, though my application is almost complete. No, as much as I've been talking about going back to school for years and years it seems, I was nervous about jumping straight into a program. So I'm going to take a few undergrad courses in English before jumping right into the program. Some people think this is silly of me. And I guess it may be. I don't need to take any prep courses, but I would prefer to do it this way. I've been out of school for awhile. And though I'm sure I'd do well, I've always been a late bloomer and want to take my time if I can. Even if it's just for one semester.

Now that I quite my job, I need to figure out what to do about health insurance. Being a diabetic, I need my medicine. Which means I need decent insurance. I've been trying to get all my doctor's appointments out of the way these last couple weeks, but I still need to fill my prescriptions once a month. But I've been looking at some plans. It's going to work out I think.

I'm just nervous. Nervous about everything. But Brian has been very supportive through all of this. I'm so thankful for him. And for other people that make me feel supported and loved. I was just thinking how different my life looks right now from what it did a year ago. I was stuck in such a horrible rut, and now I feel so happy and as though I can begin to flourish.

Everything is okay.

scullerymaid at 2:09 a.m.

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