May 06, 2015

Tes yeux

I don’t know how we do it, the two quiet people we are, but we talked on the phone last night until 2:30 in the morning. He got off late, so we didn’t even get started until midnight. Then I listened to him as he drove home, and then as he went back out to the grocery store. I listened as he made himself a late night dinner, and then as he ate it. I listened as we tossed around jokes and made silly promises to match. And he listened to me. I really don’t know how we do it. I couldn’t even tell you what we talk about. Last night, the subject of canned food was recurrent. But I’m even more surprised that I let him keep me on the phone for so long. Usually, I avoid the phone whenever possible. I’ve just never been one to talk on the phone. And yet here we are, talking several times a week for extended periods of time. But he gets to sleep in. I wish I were still sleeping. These conversations leave me physically exhausted because we stay up so late and then I get up so early. But I wouldn’t trade those conversations in for sleep. He tries to convince me to go to bed, but why would I do such a thing.

He came over on Monday night to watch Star Wars in celebration of May 4. I must confess we only made if halfway through before our passion bested us. Diary, how I love all these make-out sessions we have. It’s like I’m making up for missed time or something, but one where or another after each date we wind up rolling around on top of the covers. Except for our first date. Then he only kissed me outside my door. A complete gentleman. He’s still a complete gentleman. We haven’t had sex yet, though with all this rolling around we might as well have. I no longer think he’s going to plan out our first time together, but he is a little nervous about it. He hasn’t had that many partners, and it’s been awhile so I think that’s mainly why we’re taking things slow. But each time we make-out, we get closer and closer to the big finale. I’m really hoping it happens next time. I’m not very good with all this anticipation. It’s very teasing and I’m about ready to burst. And though his lack of experience made me nervous, after our last session I’ve decided things are going to be very good and even just thinking about it drives me a little insane. Since meeting Brian, I’ve been in a constant state of arousal.

Oh, but he wrote me a poem. He was sneaky about it, too. I have this tendency of hiding a love note whenever I see him, so I guess he figured it was his turn. He left it in my bathroom, and I’m so upset I didn’t discover it until the next afternoon. But it was lovely. The most beautiful poem I’ve ever read. He also left me with the ticket stubs from our first movie. How did he know I like mementos…

Tes yeux sont si beaux et si fonces comme une foret. Je veux traverser dans tes bois en memorisant de chaque arbre donc je peux construire ma maison dans ton coeur.

Isn’t it just lovely? I hate to translate it into to English, but it basically says Your eyes are so beautiful and so dark like a forest. I want to cross into your wood memorizing each tree so that I can build my house in your heart.

Ugh, just make me melt. I can’t stand it, it’s so beautiful and he’s so sweet and tender and good and just wants to spend time with me and get to know me and kiss me. I’m in big trouble with this one. I’m already a goner. I’m trying to hold out still, but it’s only a matter of time before I’m completely head over heels. I just know it. Is this what they mean when they say you know? I keep catching myself looking at him and nodding Yes, this is the one I’ll choose. This is the one I’ll keep forever

scullerymaid at 9:30 a.m.

pots | pans