May 09, 2015

Not again my friend

So, I don't think I've mentioned this because I didn't feel like spoiling my excitement over Brian with negative thoughts, but it only took TJ ten days to try and do the same old dance we usually do. You know, the one where he breaks of with me then decides a week later he wants to resume our relationshit? Yup, ten days. Unfortunately for him, I'm over it. Sometimes I feel like I wasted my youth on him. I don't regret anything, but I gave him five years. I forgave and forgave and he just never stepped up. I appreciate the good things he has done, but it doesn't outweigh everything else and I'm ready for the real deal. He's been a little flirty as of late, but I've been ignoring those texts. I think he knows it, too. At least, I hope he isn't that dense. I already told him I was dating and we were strictly friends now. I got the closure I always needed and I'm happy to move on.

scullerymaid at 1:52 p.m.

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