July 31, 2013


To relieve some stress I decided to do some sparring the other day, mma gloves and everything. And let me tell you, it's quite a workout! My whole body is sore. My back, my arms, my thighs- it's crazy. I didn't think it would be so great. I have a bruise on my stomach where I got punched, but it was more exhilarating than painful. I also got clipped in the jar. I think everyone should get clipped in the jaw before they die just to experience what it feels like. Of course, we were sparring not fighting so it came more as a shock than anything and I clipped the guy back so it was all good.

Maybe I'll start this up as a hobby. It sure beats running on a treadmill. But of course, it's like 100 bucks a month so I might as well squash that idea right here and now. Perhaps one day...

scullerymaid at 9:39 a.m.

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