August 01, 2013

I look like someone abused me

I think I'm going to give this MMA thing a shot. Not to compete or anything; just for exercise. Last night I went tow atch a class. There were only about 5 people in the class. I watched them box and wrestle. Then I did some boxing and wrestling of my own. I just want to say I'm a terrible boxer. Hand on hand combat isn't so bad, but I can't keep my guard up in boxing, which resulted in three huge bruises: one on my forearm, one on my boob, and then the one on my stomach. But I like the combat aspect. Wrestling isn't so bad either because it turns out I'm really flexible. I have no idea what to do when I"m mounted on someone, but I seem pretty good at getting out when someone else is mounted on me.

Of course I'm nervous to sign up for the actualy class. But at least it would keep me accountable and it's more fun than going to the gym. I'm just nervous. But it would be nice to have a hobby, and this one is health beneficial and would teach me to handle myself if I ever end up in a precarious situation. Like that time I was jogging and the bogey man popped out of nowhere!

We'll see if I have the guts to actually sign up. You know, maybe try it for a month.

But I can't do a cartwheel...

scullerymaid at 9:43 a.m.

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