December 15, 2011

Two trees please

Yesterday was an interesting day. Toby had his appointment to be neutered so I stayed in Norfolk to take him in with TJ and then pick him back up while TJ was at work. I planned on using that time to finish up my Christmas shopping. Well, about an hour after we dropped off the cat, he texted me and told me he was peeing blood. What?! I was about ready to flip out. I mean, come on, that doesn't sound good at all. So TJ swung back to the house to pick me up and we went to Patient first. The day before he had told me that he thought "my vagina was making his pee pee hurt" and I kept wondering to myself if that really could be a possibility. But I haven't been with anyone since dating him and I've been to the doctor since and know that everything on my end was fine and clean. We talked about it and he hasn't been with anyone so we chucked it up to a UTI. But the thing is, it's rare for guys to get UTIs and all the other possibilities of kidney stones and cancer started crowding my head and I became quite scared actually. But the doctor says it's probably a prostate infection which made me sigh in relief. I can deal with an infection. So he gave us some medicine and things should be honky dory. Tj went back to work, I went back to shopping and that was that.

I think I have three more gifts to buy, but my money is running very tight. Hopefully after the New Year, things will start looking better. Grrr. Guess I should stop being scared and just get a "real" job. Eh, we'll see what happens.

Last night we also bought a Christmas tree. Actually, we bought two- a 6.5 ft and a 3 ft. Why? I don't know. For weeks we've been talking about trees and for weeks he's been saying that his house is two small for a tree. Then when we finally moved the extra couch into the spare room, he didn't like any of the trees we looked at. So I doubted we would be getting one. Then he decided to get two. I don't get it. Apparently, he wants to create a scene, but one of the trees takes up the whole wall. I don't know why he needs the second tree. But whatever! I"m just glad t have one.

Fake trees look so barren. Hopefully lights and ornaments will fill it out!

scullerymaid at 11:18 a.m.

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