September 28, 2011

Mark and Brian aka country boys

Tonight was an awesome night! After work Artist and I decided to go on a roadtrip to the beach. Neither of us had to get up early in the morning so why not? So I went to the library to check out some boojs (as demanded of me by Popeguy) while she went home and made a mixed cd for us to jam out to and then we hit the road. It was supposed to be all four of us (me, Artist, Math, and Popeguy) but we already figured Popeguy wouldn't go because he likes to ge tup early in the morning and read. Math bailed because she was on a date and it went better than she expected. So it ended up being just the two of us and we were the better for it!

We had no plan. Just go to the beach and take lots of random pictures. Well, we crossed the boardwalk to be on the beach side of the street and suddenly these two guys were walking behind us. I didn't think anything of it at first, but then they started talking to us. Artisit and I were dressed in shorts and plaid shirts looking all countrified. It so happens that these boys were from out where my grandma lives in the boondocks (what a coincidence since we were all the way at the oceanfront!) and saw that we were wearing plaid and decided they had to meet is. So for the next couple hours the four of us walked along the beach and it was pretty fun. It was a really awesome night. I was more attracted to the guy that started talking to Artist, but I had a great conversation with my guy and didn't get shy or quiet or anything- a great feat for me!

It was just such a random, good ol' time, a great adventure for the two of us. I love when that happens. Both guys want to hang out again but we haven't decided if we want to or not. Guess we'll see. Sometimes things like this are meant to be kept for one magical night.

Anyway, this weekend is looking promising...except for the fact that I"m opening everyday. But Saturday is the wine festival and then Sunday is Fall Fest and Math's roommate is trhowing a sex toy party. Fun times!

I'm thinking about driving out to Suffolk to look at that one Pathfinder. It has everything I want except a sunroof. But I really loved my sunroof. Hmmm....

scullerymaid at 3:39 a.m.

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