September 13, 2011


I feel like so much has happened in the last couple days. Due to my car situation...I quit my job. Being on this side of the water simply made it impossible to get to work. It's not like I could just hop on a bus. So I got my job back at Panera. I know, I know. I swore I would never work for the company again, yada yada yada, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And everyone has welcomed me with open arms, even the witch woman with whom I had a dispute with. This may not have been what I foresaw happening, but I can't say I'm not glad to be back with my friends. It's like I can just heave a sigh of relief for a moment. I even got a raise. I can't complain. I'm glad to go back to a flex schedule as well and working nights. I'll admit there was a certain convenience to working a 8-3 type job, but it's going to be nice to have more control over my schedule. I missed being able to stay out late and sleep in. I believe things happen for a reason and if I was brought back here I'm not going to fight it.

TJ is still a fucker. Sunday he blew up my phone to talk about the skins game but other than that I haven't gotten anything out of him. I have mixed feelings on this. It saddens me that he doesn't want to talk to me, but at the same time it's really pissing me off. Being pissed is good. It takes a lot to make me angry, but once I get there I can go on a warpath. Not that I want war with TJ. I just want to be angry enough never to want to see him again. If this is how he wants to be fine. I need to get my nightgown though. I waited for months for that baby to go on sale and it's the most comfotable nightie I've ever owned. I suppose I'm just going to show up one day and take it.

I am speaking to another boy. Unfortunately he is in the Navy, but since I'm not looking for a husband right now I've decided not to be prejudice. Or maybe his dimples got to me. He's really cute and 6'3". Looks like I'm going back to my old tastes. I don't know what his ethnicity is yet though, and being a girl that has experienced those kinds of questions all my life I'm not going to ask yet. For the most part I've only dated white guys because that's what I'm attracted to, but I'm open to try something new. He's from Vegas. I think it would be really cool if he was Native, but I'm leaning more toward latin. Guess we'll see. We haven't gone out yet, but I'm still hooking him. Plus at first I was hesitant to be going out with anyone at all. But he thinks I'm awesome. How can a girl resist flattery while her heart is being broken, haha? Maybe something nice will happen out of this.

Yesterday I went to the beach with Snortgiggles and SB. They drove down for the day from Richmond. It was nice seeing them. I haven't hung out with them all summer! I even got some pretty good color going on.

It really is nice focusing on my friendships again. I missed my people. They help me to feel whole.

I also think I have a stye in my eye. This has never happened before in my life. It's not very pleasant...

I'll keep you posted on returning to work and the Navy boy!

scullerymaid at 10:13 a.m.

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