September 07, 2011


Today I helped Popeguy practice for an audition. He joined an a capella group and tonight they had auditions for a solo singing For the First Time by the script. Well, the first few versus anyway. He was nervous while we were practicing so I hope he does well. And if he doesn't get it, at least he made it into the group. It's really small...with only like 12 memebers I think. Fingers crossed for him.

Since I can't make it back to Richmond for an appointment with my lady doctor, today I went to The Center for Women's Health around the corner to schedule an appointment for my yearly check up. I told them I commute from work so I would need the lastest appointment time possible and the only person available was a man. I haven't decided how I feel about having an old man check out my business, but I suppose at this point I'm desperate and will take what I can get. I only have four pills left in my bc prescription with no more refills. I'm just hoping I don't start my period before I get into the clinic otherwise I'm kinda screwed. I just don't trust condoms enough to go off bc. No babies for me please! Fingers crossed that I can get a new pack before missing a day.

Anything else new? Still waiting on my grandma with this whole car situation and my dad is really pushing me to get into substitute teaching. I think it would be neat to work for the Women's Health Center. Not that they are hiring, but I find this subject to be so fascinating. Maybe I should have gone into the medical field, lol. Ha! Maybe I could be a sex ed teacher, as knowledgable as I am on how fetility works. Wouldn't that be funny.

scullerymaid at 9:51 p.m.

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