August 11, 2011


I love cooking! Tonight Popeguy and I whipped up an eggplant parmesan. I actually like eggplant! Not really much of a flavor going on, though I swear the thing smelled like a cucumber, but add salt and pepper and dinner is marinara and fresh, melted, bubbling mozzarella! Mmm mmm mm. Let's not forget about homemade vinaigrette with our salad. The one we make is so tangy (and scrumptious), I'm sure tomorrow hair will start sprouting on my chest. Smelling it already sizzled the hairs out of my nose, haha.

I also love biological anthropology. Generally, I tend to stick to cultural anthropology, but there is something about the biological aspect of humans that fascinates me...especially when it comes to sexuality. Helen Fisher is one of my idols and I'm very tempted to start buying up her books. Well, she's becoming an idol anyway.

today I found out that I'm not changing locations at work. Tomorrow is my last day of training and then I was supposed to move to the kiosk store. Not anymore. They decided to keep me where I'm at. This has both pros and cons. Pros: I get to keep working with some pretty cool peeps, I get off at 3 everyday and have my evenings free, the current location is closer than the kiosk. Cons: no sleeping in since I work at 8 instead of 11, I'll be working 5 to 10 hours less than at the kiosk, less independence and more teamwork (which is actually both a pro and a con- I'm learning that though I enjoy working with others, I prefer doing solo work and carrying my own weight).

So yeah, that's what I found out today. I am excited, though. Now I can settle down a little since I'm not being whisked away. This will be interesting. They seemed excited to announce that I was staying. That's a good sign, right? :-D

scullerymaid at 10:54 p.m.

pots | pans