August 10, 2011


Recently I've been thinking about careers and school. Lots of people have been pushing me toward grad school. That's all good and dandy. I've given it heavy consideration and it might be something I'm willing to do, but I'm not sure which field I would want to go into. Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Literature, Native American Studies, Psychology, etc, etc, etc. I'm a little more interested in finding a career, however. I have no desire to take the GRE nor do I want to fall even deeper into debt than I already am. Plus, I'm kinda ready to put down some roots and all that jazz. I want to get a job where I can afford to live on my own and create a space that is mine. The only problem is I have no idea what to do and I feel incredibly underskilled and inqualified for many of the openings I've found in my area. I have no direction or passion leading my career decision making. So I've turned to the internet to give me a little shove...which means I've been taking career aptitude tests (as silly as that may sound). All the tests I've taken have confirmed that I would be best suited with a creative job. Okay. That sounds good. I'm creative and enjoy being artsy and whatnot. But this newfound knowledge isn't really helping me out here. What exactly is a creative job? The popular answer is graphic desinger. My skill set definietly does not fall in that category.

I just wish I was one of those people that have always known what they wanted to do. One of those people that had a plan since middle school, followed it through in high school, majored in the approriate department in college, and hit a homerun after graduation because they've always known what they wanted to spend the rest of their life doing to make a living. But I'm not one of those people. I went to college because it was the thing to do and I had no plan b. And now where am I at? Left semi-bilingual and still with no career path. I have this terrible fear that I'm going to end up like my mother and jump from career to career, never owning anything concrete of my own or settling down...never accomplishing the American Dream.

All I want is a little house on a little piece of land with a little garden and a couple horses. Plus my brood and lover. But all those things require money and to make money you need a job and to get a job you need a plan and I'm just reaching for air.

Maybe I should get a jump start on that novel while I'm still making minimum wage. Actually, I would love to open up my own business. Just a little shop that maybe sells books and coffee. If only I had a good idea to become this great entrepreneur I would love to be. What service could I offer the world?

On a different not, last night TJ invited me over after his long drive from Maryland/Delaware. It was a little late, but that was part of the enjoyment in my opinion. We watched Monsters, Inc and ate nachos, cheetos, and peanut butter oreas. It was a simple night with light cuddling and lots of laughs, not to mention a small bit of pillow talk which we all know I adore. Nothing like talking in those moments before sleep. It was just a good night that made me forget these issues we have. Those issues which I haven't even decided if they are truly issues yet. After all, good things take time and so far this is a good thing.

scullerymaid at 11:11 p.m.

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