April 21, 2011

Still three pages to go

I find it higly amusing that my cousine, Cat, has become so active on my facebook. You'd think we have a strongly developed relationship at the rate she's going. Not that I'm not fond of her in some ways. We were decently close as youngins. But that was years ago and before she went a little crazy.

Craziness does run in the family, though. I wonder when my streak is going to leak out. Scary thought!

Anyway, there is this girl that is determined to irk the snot out of me. She's one of Popeguy's little frenchies (it's always the frenchies!). Every year he kind of adopts a new one to be his french buddy because I refuse to become fluent on principle. Well, this girl is clearly enjoying her new relationship with my best friend, which I have no problem with. Next year he'll have a new one after all. But now, she is starting to try and tread on my toes and I'm not going to have it. The other night they were studying together at Panera and I dropped by for a friendly hello. Of course, Popeguy and I got into one of our playful banters and he made some comment that stole the words out of my mouth. Nothing bad, I assure you. I'm pretty positive that I laughed. It had to do with some private joke between us and only he would've gotten away with saying something like that to me. Then this girl decideds to chime it. I don't recall what she said exactly, but if my glares could, she'd be the living dead right now. I remember thinking she was crossing a boundary and I had to keep my tongue in check. Then this morning happened.

I pulled an all nighter last night- my first ever! So this morning a sludged into Panera in desperate need of coffee. I felt disoriented I was so tired. Then I spotted Popeguy sleeping in a booth. Apparently he pulled an all nighter too. So there I was approaching him, when girlfriend puts up her hands and tells me to stop because he just fell asleep. Psh! The only thing to do was plop down right on top of him and ignore her.

Seriously, who does she think she is? His personal little something or another. The boy and I have known each other for eight years...and we've been best friends for five of those years. If I want to plop down on his and wake him up, I'm going to do it because he would do the exact same thing to me. In fact, he'd probably slap me awake. Or yell in my ear. Something to scare the hair right off my head. She doesn't know the extent of our relationship and this morning I wanted to put her in her place. Silly girl!

scullerymaid at 9:46 a.m.

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