April 11, 2011

Sketch and read then write

I need to get a job. I miss working, I really do. Plus money is seriously starting to worry me. It runs out fast if you're not careful. But I don't want to get a job until after graduation because my friends and I are going to the beach for a week. No sense in getting a job, working two weeks, then basically leaving in the middle of training, is there? So I just need to hold out a little longer.

I also need to stop procrastinating so much! I have so much shit due tomorrow. How much do I have done? A little more than nothing. At least my paper is mostly done. I just need to fill in some spots and do a little quoting. My final figure is another story. It has intimidated me to the point I didn't want to do it. Now I need to get the ball rolling because it's due by 8am. Way to be productive. What did I do today instead of work for these two classes? I went to the beach a got a nice little burn on my back and face. But I suppose in years to come I'll remember spending the day with my friends when I was supposed to be working. It's all about memroies, right?

Jordan called me on the phone tonight. It was only like a three minute call, but it was a strange thing for him to do. I don't thik I've ever heard his voice over the phone (except when he was half asleep once) and I almost didn't recognize it.

This whatever is starting between the two of us scares me a bit. But there's no reason to be scared. It's just dinner. Granted, it's our first real date, but even so it's only a dinner date. Usually we just watch movies or mess around at his place. I wonder if he would take me to the movies? I kind of want to see Hanna...

scullerymaid at 11:02 p.m.

pots | pans