April 11, 2011

Go out with me

He invited me out to dinner on Friday. I'm really not sure how to answer. On one side, he really hurt me. Perhaps that hurt only lasted for a night before I realized how absurd the whole thing was, but it was still a long night...or at least it had seemed like a long shift at work thanks to him. He tried to pawn his own guilt off on me and make me feel dirty for his decisions. What kind of person does that? On the other hand, he was easy to get along with and treated me with affection (even if I'm not sure if that affection might have been nothing more than a lure). Jordan has both his pros or cons and neither one outweigh the other. So maybe I'll go this once to see what he wants. Lord knows he messages me about every two weeks. Sometimes I don't understand why he holds on. I was his. I said yes. Then he turned tail when I was finally getting used to this whole boyfriend idea. So it doesn't make sense to me why he keeps messaging me. Why he keeps that window of communication open. Why he has the need to tell me that some girl asked him out.

I think he's trying to make me jealous. I couldn't tell you why, but that's the only reasonable explanation I could come up with. This is also what Snortgiggles thinks- that he's looking for a way to win me back as she puts it. I'm not willing to stretch that far, but something is a little off-putting about the whole thing. Why doesn't he just go out with this other girl? He might like to think that I'm his, but he lost that right to claim me and I don't know if I'd ever give it back to him. He can get as jealous as he likes if I go out with other people (which I've been doing anyway), but I'll do what I please and he can do the same. He can't make me jealous anymore

scullerymaid at 10:58 p.m.

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