December 31, 2010


Perhaps my perception of beauty is off. What makes someone beautiful anyway? Really, are there specific physical characteristics that scream attractive? Is there a guidebook out there or something? Because I don't understand. What's the difference between a plain face and a beautiful one, a fat face and a sharp one? Cannot they all be beautiful? Beauty is so subjective anyway. What I find beautiful may not be so well looked upon by another and vice versa. I just think it's so ridiculous to compare and contrast appearances because everyone looks different. I admit there should be a physical attraction amongst people, but looks only go so far, right? Isn't that the saying. Take the looks away and what are you left with?

The problem is, people go on and on about the superficiality of shallowness, but I don't see a lot of people doing anything about it. We're still conditioned to judge appearances first.

scullerymaid at 1:17 a.m.

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